Forest Rebuilding

Forest rebuilding trees tractors agriculture and plants

Tropical forests disappear quickly because corporate incentives and government policies, oriented towards short-term economic gains. This is fueled, in part, by excessive consumption of industrialized countries.

For example, large areas of tropical forests were converted into livestock farms in Central America for soybean crops in Brazil and the areas of wood for pulp and palm oil in Indonesia.

This process began with the explosive development of fast-food dishes, the United States. There, the market requires large quantities of cheap meat, thus lower quality can be produced only in tropical countries nearby. This strategy involved the massive deforestation in Central America.

Appetite increasingly more meat, especially in Europe and America, requires a lot of increasingly larger grain to feed farm animals. Huge areas of forest were cleared in southern Brazil and other countries to support the production of meat, developed with cheap grain.

A similar situation occurs in the case of paper: consumption of increasingly large paper, especially in developed countries depend on wood availability and low price for wood pulp, which supplies paper mills. Forests in Indonesia and those in different areas of the globe are cleared to make way for plantations of trees. Some of these plantation companies producing paper provides massive amounts of cheap wood pulp, and some even provide cheaper palm oil, used in a wide range of commercial food and increasingly more, and as biofuel. Reduce total virgin rainforest affects primarily the habitat of orangutans, which disappear very quickly. This adds to other dangers that threaten the extinction of this incredible species.

Road construction makes these things possible and is one of the major activities promoted and funded by the World Bank. These new roads open, the woods, the way for farmers, farmers who do not own land of land, mining companies and involve massive deforestation.


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