Forest Rebuilding

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Soon, animal husbandry activities could be much more efficient by applying the principles of a new discovery of genetics - nutrigenomics

In recent years, the science of genetics were new fields of knowledge development process of living beings. First took shape and then they said the general laws or rules by which characters are inherited from parents to offspring.

Knowledge gained were a new science called genetics. It was developed so that we know not only what is the genetic material that lists all encoded morphological, physiological and psychological characteristics of a living being, but also that it is structured and how it works he chose for them to be accomplish during development from conception to death.

At this amazing process involved a lot of types of proteins that are entered, encoded in the structure of hereditary material (DNA and RNA from higher beings to viruses). Each sector of the hereditary material in which it appears the structure of a particular type of protein is called gene.

In light of this knowledge, it is now widely accepted that if a gene is normally made, the character of the "answer" it will develop normally. But if it is damaged (has a mutation), whether morphological, physiological, or psychological harm that it causes will develop abnormally.

Here, however, that in recent years, research has shown that there are cases where, although the gene is normally made it work abnormally or even blocked by some "brakes" that oppose its normal operation. Consequently, the character that leads to abnormal development will occur. Such a phenomenon is said to be one epigenetic and science that I called epigenetic studies.

Mutations could be corrected by diet

Currently, we have accumulated more and more knowledge provide evidence that some genes start up and "factory" protein responsible not only control factors outside or inside the cell (as it was known until now), but also in order to come to the tissues of food nutrients (amino acids, fatty acids, simple sugars, minerals, vitamins).

Thus, insufficient or excessive nutrients influence the functioning of the individual tissues or organs, causing disease or inconsistent with development which includes family characteristics. He was born as a new field of genetics, called nutrigenomic.

Geneticists who study this area of ​​activitade go on two lines of research. One is nutrigenomics, which aims to discern how a nutrient causes the arrival of a gene or influences and even stops activity, and the other is nutrigenetica, which aims to discover the causes of differences in response to specific nutrients the body human or animal individuals who already possess certain mutations in genes involved in the creation and sale of substances in cells.

They hope that, when they gain more knowledge in this field, doctors or nutritionists can interfere with certain diet to prevent certain metabolic diseases in humans or to manipulate development and functioning more intense and rapid of tissues to farm animals.

This means that if we know that an individual possesses a specific mutation that does not allow the cells to synthesize a particular protein involved in the decomposition of a nutrient or other substance in its transformation, its failing in the diet will prevent the manifestation of that phenomenon. Has resulted in some facts.

Preventable diseases

We know that some children are born with a mutant gene that makes it impossible synthesis of protein-enzyme involved in the metabolism of an amino acid (phenylalanine) in food reaching the cells. As a result, the child will be seriously affected functional. But if he will receive a lifetime diet with foods that do not contain the amino acid phenylalanine, he will develop normally.

An individual who has a mutation in the gene that helps regulate blood absorption from the intestine into the food of vegetable sterols (like cholesterol in structure) will develop severe atherosclerosis at a young age. A diet containing foods with a low in such fats will help maintain a normal state of cholesterol in the blood and thus avoid early ateroscerozei.

Another example that helps us understand nutrigenomicii point is this discovery. Among the genes that contribute to fat metabolism and insulin sensitivity of cells called SREBP-1c is one that can be caused to come into operation by administering a high content of fructose.

If such a mutant gene is functional, it will increase insulin resistance and therefore installation type 2 diabetes. The remedy in this case would be to avoid excessive consumption of fructose.

Food must be adapted to each individual genotype

Also, some cardiovascular diseases, even cancer, may be caused by an improper diet that has individual genetics. People with a high concentration of fat in the blood (hyperlipidaemia) have higher risks to atherosclerosis. If, however, undergo treatment with specific drugs (statins) accompanied by proper diet, they react differently to each other.

Geneticists have established that the diversity of reaction is owed possession of different variants of genes involved in fat metabolism. Knowledge of these aspects for each individual could contribute to improving the management of differentiated treatment for drug or diet that meets its genotype.

Researchers have found that red meat is roasted at high temperatures forming so-called heterocyclic aromatic amines which, when activated by acetylation, may interfere with DNA, causing colon cancer. However, this phenomenon can happen to people who have a particular variant - the three possible - a gene involved in the activation of heterocyclic aromatic amines.

All the examples described here lead us to believe that soon, people will make special DNA analysis, and genotype that you have, adopt a specific diet and medication doctor may apply a customized each individual.

I am sure that such conduct will be taken soon, and the animal husbandry and veterinary in order to make their activities more profitable and efficient.


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