Forest Rebuilding

Forest rebuilding trees tractors agriculture and plants

Before learning how to plant a tree, keep in mind that there are other factors which depend on your action equally successful.
Where to plant?
Make sure you plant the tree in the right place.

When do we plant? 
Very important is the time of planting.
The idea of ​​planting a tree comes most often reveals itself when they bloom, loaded with fruit or a beautiful crown of leaves, but the least stressful time to brood, is when it is dormant, ie fall after leaf fall until spring before budding. Planting is to be avoided but in the dead of winter when frozen ground can affect rigid roots.   If you buy seedlings in pots or bags of roots in soil, planting can be done in any season, yet avoid being hot summer days. Although unsuitable for our climate conditions, however remember that palms are an exception, they plantandu preferably the hot summer months. In conclusion, the ideal time for planting most trees and shrubs remain autumn, when the soil has stored from the summer heat and humidity ensuring optimum rainfall. The tree has the chance to set roots before the soil and freezes, and spring is going to get ready for growth. Planting technique Seedlings can be purchased in three forms: in pots (A), with roots in bags with soil (B), or free roots (C). Most of the planting stages are identical, but there are some details specific to each type.

Preparing the hole
1. A-B-C: Dig a hole at least three times wider than the pot, bag of soil or tree roots, and as deep as this. If a compacted soil is good for the hole to be as wide, so that roots can develop freely in loose soil. Be sure to leave undisturbed portion of the bottom hole to form a stable, netasabil to support the tree.
C: Make a pyramid of earth in the center hole.
2. With a fork or other sharp tool realize penetrations in walls and bottom of the pit, which will help the roots to penetrate soil and excess water to disperse.

Preparing the tree
3. A: Release the tree in a pot, not to break the roots or ground shake around them.
B: Unscrew the top bag.
C: A dry tree roots can not absorb water. Leave the tree in a bucket of water for several hours.
4. A-B: If the state tree in a container too small and the roots were increased intretasut and circular carefully separated them, cutting them right on the overly long. Circular and knotted roots strangle risk of subsequent development of root system and consequently the tree.
C: Examine the roots, eliminating those that are broken or damaged, but saving as much as possible from them.

Planting itself
5. AB: Place the tree in the middle hole, grasping the stem but not the land surrounding the root. Note that the strain to be 1-2 cm above ground level! It is a mistake to plant the tree too deep, because so roots will not have enough oxygen, required for a harmonious development.
B: If the roots are wrapped material that is biodegradable, it can be left in the hole, otherwise it should be removed.
C: Place the tree with roots scattered over the ground made the step pyramid 1C.
6. Begin by sitting back in the earth pit in layers, pressing it gently to remove air pockets, but without the compact too. If the soil is very compacted clay and add peat or animal waste for better oxygenation and drainage. Add water over each layer.

7. After sitting back all the land, create a small temporary dam around the tree to retain water, then soak in plenty.

8.Realizati a protective layer of leaves and bark around the tree, less strain in the layer designed to slow water evaporation and also the immediate vicinity of weeds in the tree.
Depending on the size and condition of the tree support stakes can be used until the tree roots will fix. Note, however after that to remove the stakes and wires now because they are not tied down with increasing its trunk!

10. In the first year after planting, water your tree regularly, weekly or more often in excessively hot and dry periods.


Advantages and disadvantages
A) saplings in pots
highest percentage of success, because the roots are the least affected;
not required to be planted immediately after purchase, provided they are watered properly;
can be planted almost any time of year;
cost more;
volume and weight due to transport and handling are more difficult.

  B) saplings with roots in bags of earth
good success rate;
moist soil where tree roots are wrapped afford not to be planted immediately;
can be planted almost any time of year;
cost more;
volume and weight due to transport and handling are more difficult.
C) saplings with roots free
low price;
easy to carry, due to volume and low weight;
process quickly and nedificil planting;
examining the roots before buying opportunity;
lower rate of success;
must be planted immediately after purchase;
can be planted successfully only in winter, latent period of the tree;
successful method is applicable only to young seedlings.

Joined planted trees with the same characteristics.
Replace as soon as dry trees, especially if they aim to achieve a wind barriers, or forming a hedge, not to create a corridor.
When watering a tree root note that it has approximately the same extension as its branches.
If the roots start to protrude through holes in the pot, mean brood was kept in too small a pot and root system and should be checked before planting.


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