Forest Rebuilding

Forest rebuilding trees tractors agriculture and plants

One of the largest known species of pine, pin has over 110 varieties, more common in the northern hemisphere, being able to adapt both under cold and wet climate, and in much warmer areas.

The impressive, very sturdy, with rich foliage, easily recognized due to the shape of long needles.

Depending on variety, needle-shaped leaves with intense flavor and specific, can have up to 45 inches long, grouped every 2 to 5.

Tree bark is thick, often cracked, dark. The wood's hardness varies greatly depending on variety and climate.

Suitable for large gardens, providing both a touch of beauty and balance, and protection from strong sun and wind. Needs more space, especially varieties with rich foliage, soil relatively dry and sunny environment. Earth must be watered frequently until the pin comes strong roots.


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