Forest Rebuilding

Forest rebuilding trees tractors agriculture and plants

Scientific name: Symphoricarpus whites

Common names: Hurmuz, scarlet, snow grains

Family: Caprifoliaceae

Origin: temperate areas of North America and Central America

 Layout and presentation: ornamental shrub, Symphoricatus whites conquered by general appearance and by its fruit small, round, white, dark green foliage very contrasting.

It is often found in fence component of urban gardens. In temperate climates with mild winters, Symphoricatus whites can be considered a persistent tree because foliage retains even in winter.

Terms care / cultivation

It needs bright light to develop rich crown, dense foliage to flourish. Loves open spaces and better support direct sun summer afternoons.

Heat helps to grow rapidly and contribute to the quality of flowering. In areas with low temperatures, flowering is sporadic and much reduced. An ideal temperature for growing this shrub should be between 12 and 24 degrees Celsius, but nothing happens if they get up to 30 degrees Celsius. Winter tolerate even -10 or -15 degrees, but must be protected from currents and winds.

Needs heavy watering only during warm season, the rest of content with a little less water, allowing the soil to dry between waterings.

No claim in respect of atmospheric moisture, easily tolerating even urban air dry plain.

Culture substrate may be any ordinary garden soil, with pH neutral or slightly acidic, but accept and poor soils, even clay easily. This is one reason that is often used in fencing areas of green spaces in cities, where the soil does not excel in fertilizers and nutrients.
That do not require fertilization is another plus in choosing this species, either solitary or group tree to decorate gardens.

Flowering is less obvious and occurs about the middle of summer, from July. Small pink flowers, like Lily, occurring from place to place, the peak strains in clusters of 3-4 cm. Within weeks they leave behind small white fruits, like berries of wax, very showy, amid green leaves. You must specify the berries are toxic to humans.

Is multiplied by potting-up sprouts and by seeds. Easiest method of propagation remains, however, the butasirii. For this, choose tops semilemnificati shoots, which contain at least 3-4 nodes are planted in the substrate and easy to heat and humidity constant.

Tricks and special tips: Trim shrubs before leaf spring. We will provide such a compact port and you will help to indeseasca. Does not require special protection during winter, but not planted in locations winds sweep.

American Indians used the wood of this shrub to achieve smoking pipes used in ceremonies.

Other species and varieties: S. occidentalis, S. mollis, Smicrophyllus, S. mexicanus, S. orbiculatus (purple fruit), S. orephilus, S. rotundifolius, S. sinensis.


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