Forest Rebuilding

Forest rebuilding trees tractors agriculture and plants

Ilex, decorative shrub Aquifoliaceae family has over 400 varieties, is a plant that grows fast and stays green all year round, is very suitable for decoration. There are varieties of holly shrubs, climbing plants etc. Can be found in many geographical regions, especially in temperate and subtropical zones, and some varieties are found in tropical areas.

In particular, Ilex aquifolium, a variety of deep green, is used for floral decorations, especially Christmas, Christmas, green leaves and red fruits infrumusetand any bouquet. Some varieties of holly are grown for wood quality, suitable for various musical instruments.

Easily recognized due to very dark green leaves with pointed lobes, while other varieties have round or slightly pointed leaves. Small white flowers appear in spring or early summer and are often hard to see, while small fruits as can be white, yellow, orange, red. Plants are relatively resistant and easily adaptable in any environment, rather few shady areas, relatively dry soil and less humid air. Relatively easy to breed and survive surprisingly well.


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